

作者:  来源:研究生办  发布日期:2019-04-15  浏览次数:


  3D scene analysis and synthesis



  报告摘要:3D virtual scenes, which are composed of virtual objects and characters, are important for applications such as virtual environments, 3D computer games and computer animation. A huge amount of 3D scene data is produced by amateur and professional artists on a daily basis and uploaded to the internet for public usage. In this talk, the ways to solve the two main problems relating to the management of such data will be explored and introduced: how to let the computer understand the context of the 3D scenes and how to let the computer automatically produce realistic 3D scenes. The most important finding is that by using information on how the objects in the 3D scenes are located with respect to each other, the scene data can be better analysed and that scenes with more a complex context can be automatically produced.

  报告人简介:赵玺博士,研究方向为计算机图形学、计算机视觉,主攻三维数据分析、处理及合成,2014年博士毕业于爱丁堡大学,随后在日本国立情报学研究所做短期访问,2015年起在西安交通大学任教。近年来,在《Siggraph》、《ACM TOG》、《IEEE TVCG》等顶级计算机图形学会议及期刊(A刊)上发表论文3篇。
