
Guoliang Hu

Author:  Source:  Date:2024-03-14  

Guoliang Hu

Nationality: Han

Birthdate: April 15, 1991

Birthplace: Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province

Email: huguoliang1991@nwafu.edu.cn 

Education Background

Ph.D. Student, Signal and Information Processing, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2013.09-2020.12)

Bachelor of Automation, Xidian University (2009-2013)

Areas of Research Interests/Research Projects

Computer Vision

Position and Attitude Measurement

Calibration of Monocular and Binocular Cameras


Digital Logistics and Digital System

Computer Hardware Programming

Scientific Achievement

[1] Guoliang Hu, Zuofeng Zhou, et al. Nonlinear calibration optimization based on the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm [J]. IET image processing. 2020. (SCI, IF=2.373, Index No.WOS:000536604200022)

[2] Guoliang Hu, Zuofeng Zhou, et al. Highly accurate 3D reconstruction based on a precise and robust binocular camera calibration method [J]. IET image processing. 2020. (SCI, IF=2.373, Accepted)

[3] Guoliang Hu, Zuofeng Zhou, et al. High precision measurement and 3D reconstruction of non-cooperative spacecraft based on binocular vision [C]. ICDIP, Shanghai, China, 2018. (EI Index No. 20183605779181)

[4] Jianzhong Cao, Guoliang Hu, Zuofeng Zhou, et al. A joint Measurement Method Based on Laser Radar and Binocular Visible Camera, Invention Patent, Patent No. ZL201810240140, Grant Date:2019.04.30.