
Haitian Sun

Author:  Source:  Date:2024-03-15  


Haitian Sun


Sex: Male

Nationality: Han

Birthdate: January 14, 1992

Birthplace: Qingzhou, Shandong Province

Marital Status: Married

Phone: +81-80-3324-2799

Email: haitiansun@qq.com

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Pattern Recognition

Image Processing

Machine Learning

Computer Vision


Object-Oriented Programming (C++)

C Language Programming

Numerical Analysis

Education Background

Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology, College of Information Engineering, Northwest A&F University (2010-2014)

Master of Multi-Media and Design Engineering, Institute of Technology, Iwate University, Japan (2015.04-2017.03)

Ph.D. in Multi-Media and Design Engineering, Institute of Technology, Iwate University, Japan (2017. 04-2020.03)


“Ihatov Fund” of Iwate University, 200,000 Yen. (2017.11);

Outstanding Student Presentation Award by 2017 Annual Conference of Electronics, Information and Systems Society, I.E.E of Japan (IEEJ 2017), Transformation from Frontal Face Detector to Multi-view Face Detector by Reversal (2017.09);

Special Examiners Award by Art & Science Academy of Northeast Brunch 2016, ふわねたりうむ(AR Interactive Game Based on Constellation.

Scientific Projects


Research and Development of an Automated System for Merchandise Arrangement Inspection based on Image Recognition Technology (2017.04-2019.03)

Research and Development of Autonomous Walking Mowing Robot based on Image Recognition Technology (2017.12-2018.03)

Research on Crash Prevention Technology (2016.04-2017.03)

Research and Development on Non-contact and Non-interference Action Perception System for Athletes without Burden (2015.04-2016.03)



[1] Sun H, Nakane T, Zhang N, et al. Evolutionary Rear-Lamp Tracking at Nighttime[J]. IEEE Access, 2021, PP (99):1-1.

[2] Takumi Nakane1, Naranchimeg Bold1, Haitian Sun1, Xuequan Lu, Takuya Akashi, Chao Zhang, Application of Evolutionary and Swarm Optimization in Computer Vision: A Literature Survey, IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications, accepted. (Co-first author

[3] Haitian Sun, Jing Zhang, Takuya Akashi, TemplateFree: Product Detection on Retail Store Shelves, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, in press

[4] Haitian Sun, Chao Zhang, Takuya Akashi, Recurrent Bidirectional Visual Human Pose Retrieval, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 7, pp. 1074-1081, 2019

[5] Chao Zhang, Haitian Sun, Takuya Akashi, Robust Non-Parametric Template Matching with Local Rigidity Constraints, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E99-D, No.9, pp.2332-2340, 2016


Conference Articles List


1. International Conference Articles

[1] Haitian Sun, Kenji Hanata, Hideomi Sato, Ichiro Tsuchitani, Takuya Akashi, “Segmentation based Non-learning Product Detection for Product Recognition on Store Shelves”, NICOGRAPH International, S1-3 (F), 2019.


[2] Haitian Sun, Mengbo You, Chao Zhang, Takuya Akashi, “A Visual Marker based Image Annotation Tool with Projective Transformation”, The 12th France - Japan Congress, 10th Europe - Asia Congress on Mecatronics, 2018


[3] Haitian Sun, Chao Zhang, Takuya Akashi, “3D Skeleton Matters: Human Pose Retrieval by Human Pose Reconstruction”, The 23rd International Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2017), P2-02, 2017


[4] Hiroki Hirayama, Haitian Sun, Chao Zhang, Takuya Akashi, “Interactive Depth Ambiguity Correction for 3D Human Pose Estimation”, The 23rd International Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2017), O4-01, 2017



Domestic Conference Articles

[1] 洋輝,孫海天,張潮,明卓也,遺伝的アルゴリズムとルールベース補正を 物の2次元姿勢からの3次元姿勢推定(译:利遗传算法和基于规则修正的基于 体姿态的三维体姿态估计),Dynamic Image processing for real Application (DIA) OS1-12019


[2] Haitian Sun, Kenji Hanata, Hideomi Sato, Ichiro Tsuchitani, Takuya Akashi, “Dividing Products in Store Shelves by Detecting Horizontal Clapboard and Shadow for Product Recognition”, Dynamic Image processing for real Application (DIA), IS2-6, 2018


[3] Mengbo You, Haitian Sun, Takuya Akashi, “Transformation from Frontal Face Detector to Multi-view Face Detector by Mirror Reversal”, Annual Conference of Electronics, Information and Systems Society, IEEJ, SS3-8, 2017


[4] Haitian Sun, Chao Zhang, Takuya Akashi, “Sketch Compression for Sketch-based Image Retrieval by Linear Approximate Representation”, The 23rd Symposium on Sensing via   Image Information (SSII), IS3-11, 2017


[5] Sun Haitian, Zhang Chao, Takuya Akashi, “Sketch-based Image Retrieval:Weighted HOG By Grayscale Value”,知覚情報/次世代産業システム合同研究会, IEEJ, PI-15-075, IIS-15-057,



Domestic Technical Reports

[1] 孫海天,明卓也,国際会議MECH2018参加報告,平成30年度第4回芸術科学会東北



[2] 澤亮太,孫海天,花,鎌司志,明卓也,最適化⼿いた物体境界線 検出する研究(译:利最优化算法检测物体分界线的研究),平成30年度芸術科 学会東北会,2019


[3] 笹森秀孫海天,花,鎌司志,明卓也,画像マッチングにした特徴量 する研究(译:适于图像匹配特征的研究),平成30年度芸術科学会東北 会,2019


[4] ⽇⼭拓海,孫海天,游梦博,張潮,明卓也,動画像認識のためのARマーカを 正解データ作成する研究(译:关于利AR标记制作图像序列中标检测的正 确结果的研究),平成29年度芸術科学会東北会,2018


[5] 夏家順,平洋輝,張逸,孫海天,明卓也, グレーレベルの同時いた テクスチャのセグメンテーション(译:基于灰度共矩阵的纹理分割),平成29年度 芸術科学会東北会,2018


[6] 洋輝,孫海天,明卓也,国際会議FCV2017参加報告,平成28年度第4回芸術科 学会東北部研究会,2017


[7] Haitian Sun, Chao Zhang, Takuya Akashi, “Refinement of Sketch-based Image Retrieval by Reducing the Visual Variation of Retrieval Results”,平成28年度第3回芸術科学会東北 研究会,2016


[8] 久末雪奈,孫海天,張潮,明卓也,“2DランドマークからD姿勢推定のためのバー チャルベンチマークの可視化(译:为基于2D3D姿势估计建的虚拟数据集的可视 化),平成27年度芸術科学会東北会,2016


[9] 孫海天,張潮,明卓也,“Hands and head tracking with online learning algorithm”,平成 26年度芸術科学会東北会,2015