
Shuyin Zhang

Author:  Source:  Date:2024-03-14  

Shuyin Zhang


Master Supervisor
Sex: Female
Birthplace: Weinan, Shaanxi Province

Education and Working Background

Ph.D. in Engineering, Circuits and Systems, School of Artificial IntelligenceXidian University, Disciple of Professor Hou Biao (2018)

Joined College of Information Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Lecturer (2018-)

Working Profile/Research Status

She has long been engaged in machine learning and deep learning theory and modeling, intelligent remote sensing image understanding and interpretation, especially in the use of deep learning method for polarimetric SAR image classification and target recognition, remote sensing target detection, multi-spectral fusion feature classification and other problems.

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Image Decoding and Target Recognition of Remote Sensing

Artificial Intelligence Method and Application
Agricultural Informatization

Smart Forestry


Machine learning (minor for Artificial Intelligence)

Fundamentals of C Language Programming

Digital Signal Processing

Parallel Computing

Academic Achievement

Academic Papers

[1] Xie W, Jiao L, Hou B, Ma W, Zhao J, Zhang S and Liu F. POLSAR Image Classification via Wishart-AE Model or Wishart-CAE Model[J] IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2017, 10(8):3604-3615.

[2] Zhang S, Hou B, Jiao L, et al. Context-based Max-Margin for PolSAR Image Classification[J]. IEEE Access, 2017, PP:1-1.

[3] ZHANG Shuyin, HOU Biao. POLSAR image classification via high-probability selection and adaptive MRF[J]. Journal of Xidian University (Natural Science), Vol.44, NO.6, p65-70, Dec.2017.

[4] Zhang S, Hou B, Jiao L, and Wu Q. Sparse Autoencoder and Boundary-preserved WMRF for PolSAR Image Classification[J]Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves. 2018, 37(2): 177-183.

[5] ZHANG Hongming, TAN Ziwei, HAN Wenting, ZHU Shanna, ZHANG Shuyin, GE Chenyu. Extraction Method of Maize Height Based on UAV Remote Sensing[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, Vol.50 No.5, p248-257, May 2019.

[6] Zhang S, Jing X, Zhang H, Chen H and Zhao J. Recursive Convolution Neural Network for PolSAR Image Classification[C] 2020 35th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC), Zhanjiang, China, 2020, pp: 482-485.

[7] Chen J, Zhang S*, Tian M, et al. A Combination Classifier of Polarimetric SAR Image Based on DS Evidence Theory[C]//Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV). Springer, Cham, 2021: 597-609.

Scientific Projects

[1] National Natural Science Foundation of China - General Program, 6127129302, Polarized SAR Image Recognition and Classification based on Visual Prior Learning and Hybrid Factor Analysis, 2013.09-2016.12, RMB 680,000, completed, Participant.

[2] Shaanxi Provincial Natural Science Basic Research Program - General Project (Youth), 2019JQ-539, Polarized SAR Image Classification based on Semi-Supervised Generative Adversarial Network, 2019.01-2020.12, RMB 30,000, Director.

[3] Shaanxi Provincial Key R&D Project, "Research and Application of Intelligent Traceability Technology for the Whole Industrial Chain of Kiwifruit based on Multi-Factor Collaborative Reverse Verification" (2020NY-205), 2020.01.01 - 2022.12.31, RMB 200,000, Participant.

[4] Major and Key Special Project on Science and Technology Innovation Polarization of Shaanxi Academy of Forestry Sciences, "Implementation of Intelligent Assessment and Prediction and Visualization System for Grassland Ecological Condition" (SXLK2021-0215), 2021.05 - 2023.12, RMB 200,000, sub-topic Director.

Patents/Software Writings

[1] "Evidence Theory Based SAR Image Classification System V1.0", Registration No.: 2021SR067202, Grant No.: 7394646.

[2] " Convolutional Neural Network based Kiwifruit Species Recognition System V1.0", Registration No.: 2021sR1918202 Grant No.: 8640828.