
Pei Yang

Author:  Source:  Date:2024-03-15  

Pei Yang


Associate Professor

Sex: Female

Nationality: Han

Birthplace: Weinan, Shaanxi Province

Member of the Communist Party of China

Education and Working Background

Bachelor of Northwest A&F University (2004);

Master of Technology for Computer Application, Northwest A&F University (2009);

Joined Northwest A&F University (2004);

Teacher of Computer Basic Teaching Department of the College of Information Engineering, Northwest A&F University (Now).

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Computer Graphics

Virtual Reality Technology


College Computer Information Technology

University Programming Python

Academic Achievement

She has actively carried out teaching reform and research on public basic computer courses, and explored the teaching system, teaching content and teaching mode of public basic computer courses suitable for the talent cultivation mode of our university.

She has received 2 First-class Prizes of Provincial-level Teaching Achievements and 2 University-level Teaching Achievements Awards. She was awarded the First Prize in the 2012 Northwest A&F University Young Teacher Lecture Competition, the Design Star Award of the National University Hybrid Teaching Design Innovation Competition in 2019, and the Outstanding Case of Online Teaching of Northwest A&F University in 2020.

She has hosted and participated in 10 teaching reform projects, published 4 papers on teaching reform as the first author, and edited and participated in 4 teaching materials for the 12th and 13th Five-Year Plan of National Higher Agricultural and Forestry Colleges.

She has directed and participated in a total of 12 course construction projects. Among them, she presided over the construction of the provincial-level online and offline first-class undergraduate course of "University Information Technology", and participated in the construction of the "University Programming (Python)" provincial online first-class undergraduate course.

She has hosted the construction of 5 MOOC courses and participated in the construction of 2 courses on the Ideological and Political Dimension. She also has participated in the construction of 1 digital education resource project of the University of Agriculture Press.

At the same time, she has actively carried out scientific research, presided over a sub-task of the National High-tech R&D Program (863 Program) on "Rapid Acquisition and Reconstruction Technology of Crop Growth 3D Morphology", and actively explored the methods to integrate scientific research into teaching.


Office: 115, College of Information Engineering

Phone: (+86)15249180893

Email: yangpei@nwsuaf.edu.cn