
Xu Jing

Author:  Source:  Date:2024-03-14  

Xu Jing


Associate Professor

Master Supervisor

Sex: Male

Nationality: Han

Birthplace: Liquan, Shaanxi Province

Education and Working Background

Bachelor of Mining Engineering, Xi’an University of Science and Technology (1990-1994)

Master of Computer Application Technology, School of Computer Science and Technology, Southwest University of Science and Technology (2002-2005)

Ph.D. in Agricultural Electrification and Automation, College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Northwest A&F University (2007-2013)

Joined College of Information Engineering, Northwest A&F University (2005-)

Visiting Scholar, Department of Computing, the Hongkong Polytechnic University (2016.12-2017.05)

Social Service

He serves as the reviewer of periodicals such as the Journal of Electronic and Information Technology, Journal of Electronics (China), and Journal of Information Security and Applications.

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Individual Privacy Protection and Blockchain Technology

Information System Security

Access Authority Control

Data Security


The Foundations of Undergraduate Culture

The Foundations of Network Application

Computer Programming (Python)

C Language Programming

Information Security

E-Commerce Security

Electronic Commerce

Internet Security

Academic Achievements

Scientific Projects

[1] Shaanxi Province Key R&D Program, 2019ZDLNY07-02-01, Integration and Application of Trusted Traceability Technology for the Whole Industry Chain of Special Agricultural Products Based on Internet of Things + Blockchain, 2019.01-2021.12, Director

[2] National Science and Technology Support Program of the 13th Five-Year Plan, 2020YFD1100601, Research, Development and Demonstration of Social Service Platform for Advanced and Applicable Technologies in Agriculture, 2020.10-2022.12, Sub-project Director.

[3] National Science and Technology Support Program of the 12th Five-Year Plan, 2013BAD15B02, Research and Application of Cloud Storage and Cloud Computing Technology for Rural Information Services, 2013.01-2015.12, Sub-project Director.

[4] National Science and Technology Support Program of the 12th Five-Year Plan, 2011BAD21B05, Integration and Demonstration of Agricultural IOT Information Technology in Western Arid Areas, 2011.01-2013.12, Sub-project Director.

[5] Basic Scientific Research Business of Central Universities, QN2011036, Research on Key Security Technology of Sensitive Information in Agricultural SaaS, 2011.07-2014.07, Director.

[6] Talent Fund of Northwest A&F University, 01140401, Research and Implementation of MAS with Reconfiguration Function for Intrusion Detection, 2006.03-2009.12, Director.

[7] Mianyang Science and Technology Plan Project, 2003G0020, Distributed Intrusion Detection System Based on Intelligent Agent, 2003.01-2004.12, Participant.

Representative Papers

[1] JING Xu, Li Shuqin, TAN Gexu. A Protocol of Equijoin Size Sharing Across Encrypted Relational Database. Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition), Vol.46 No.3, p95-101, May 2014. (Indexed by EI)

[2] JING XuLI BingbingHE Dongjian. A Protocol of Encrypted Data Equijoin Sharing Across Private Database. JOURNAL OF XI’AN JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY, Vol.46 No.8, p37-42, Aug.2012. (Indexed by EI)

[3] Jing Xu, Qin Yuanze. Consortium Blockchain Inter-organizational Contract Transaction Mechanism for Kiwi Fruit Quality Traceability. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery.Vol.53 No.5, p282-290, May 2022. (Indexed by EI)

[4] JING Xu, XING Shengfei. Access Control Scheme of Kiwifruit Traceability Consortium Blockchain Application Based on PBFT. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. Nov.2022(Indexed by EI)

[5] LI Jing, JING Xu, YANG Huijun. Blockchain electronic counting scheme based on practical Byzantine fault tolerance algorithm. Journal of Computer Applications.2020, Vol.40, No.4, p954-960 (in Chinese)

Authorized Invention Patents

[1] Wu Suli, Jing Xu, Zhang Yang, Xie Xiaojun. Encryption Method based on Double-loop Queue Shift and Transposition Rules. China: Invention Patent, 2010.02.10, ZL 2008 1 0017494.9.

[2] Wu Suli, Jing Xu, Zhang Yang, Xie Xiaojun. Encryption Method based on Circular Queue Shift Rule. China: Invention Patent, 2010.12.08, ZL 2008 1 0017493.4.

Major Software Copyright (10)

[1] Liu Ziyu, Jing Xu. Alliance Chain System for Kiwifruit Field Production, 2021SR 1719982.

[2] Yang Shaokun, Jing Xu. Kiwifruit Alliance Chain Traceability APP System, 2021SR1719984.

[3] Qin Yuanze, Jing Xu. Alliance Chain System for Kiwifruit Circulation Processing Enterprises, 2021SR1719981.

[4] Xing Shengfei, Jing Xu. User Certificate Alliance Chain Management System, 2021SR1727140.

[5] Ma Bei, Jing Xu. Alliance Chain Management System for Sensing Equipment, 2021SR1719983.

[6] Wang Yuxuan, Jing Xu. A Kiwifruit Storage Management System Based on Fabric Alliance Chain, 2020SR0932277.

[7] Chao Zhaozhao, Jing Xu. A Blockchain System for Data Privacy Protection Based on Bootstrapping-Free FHE, 2019SR0269896.

[8] Ye Min, Jing Xu. Supervised Blockchain System Based on Accountable Ring Signature, 2019SR0269689.

[9] Yu Ruicheng, Jing Xu. An Ethereum-based Secure Auction System, 2019SR0269898.

[10] Jing Xu, Liu Zhengnan. Cloud User Permission Management System, 2015.08, 2015SR156844.