
Long Yang

Author:  Source:  Date:2024-03-15  

Long Yang

Sex: Male

Degree: Ph.D.in Engineering

Education and Working Background

Ph.D. in Engineering, Computer Graphics of Wuhan University (2012-2017)

Master of Engineering, Virtual Reality and Visualization, Northwest A&F University (2007-2010)

Bachelor of Science, Information and Computing Science, Chang’an University (2000-2004)

Postgraduate Supervisor & Teacher of the Department of Computer Science, College of Information Engineering, Northwest A&F University (2004 -)

Areas of Research Interests/Research Projects

Digital Geometry Processing

3D Computer Vision

Computer Graphics


Data Structure

Virtual Reality Technology

Object-Oriented Programming and Practice

Scientific Works

Published Papers

[1] Tong Liu (postgraduate), Zhenhua Yang, Shaojun Hu, Zhiyi Zhang, Chunxia Xiao, Xiaohu Guo, Long Yang*(corresponding author): Neighbor reweighted local centroid for geometric feature identification. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2021, DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2021.3124911. (SCI Source Journal, CCF-A Class Journal)

[2] Long Yang, Qingan Yan, Yanping Fu, Chunxia Xiao: Surface reconstruction via fusing sparse-sequence of depth images. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 24(2): 1190-1203, 2018. (SCI, CCF-A Class Journal)

[3] Long Yang, Qingan Yan, Chunxia Xiao: Shape-controllable geometry completion for point cloud models. The Visual Computer, 33(3): 385-398, 2017. (SCI)

[4] Long Yang, Chunxia Xiao, Jun Fang: Multi-scale geometric detail enhancement for time-varying surfaces. Graphical Models, 76(5): 413-425, 2014. (SCI)

[5] Long Yang, Zhiyi Zhang, Dongjian He, Yuan Dai: Extracting curve-skeleton for use in shape deformation. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 9 (11). 4469-4478, 2013. (EI)

[6] Long Yang, Dongjian He, Zhiyi Zhang: Construct G1 smooth surface by using triangular Gregory patches. The 5th International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG), Xi’an, China, pp.577-580, 2009. (EI)

[7] Yanping Fu, Qingan Yan, Long Yang, Jie Liao, Chunxia Xiao: Texture mapping for 3D reconstruction with RGB-D sensor. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2018. (EI, CCF-A Class Conference)

[8] Qingan Yan, Long Yang, Chunxia xiao: Distinguishing the Indistinguishable: Exploring Structural Ambiguities via Geodesic Context. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2017. (EI, CCF-A Class Conference, spotlight oral)

[9] Qingan Yan, Long Yang, Chao Liang, Huajun Liu, Ruimin Hu and Chunxia Xiao: Geometrically based linear iterative clustering for quantitative feature correspondence. Computer Graphics Forum, 35 (7), 1-10, 2016. (SCI)

[10] Zhu Jian, Yang Long, Liu Weixing, and Xiao Chunxia*. Salient Features Preserved Resizing of Point-Based Geometry. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, Vol.26, No.10, p1624-1632, 2014. (EI)

Research Projects

[1] The National Natural Science Foundation of China-Youth Program (61702422), Handheld Consumer-grade Depth Camera Sparse Sequence Fusion 3D Scan Reconstruction, 2018.01-2020.12, Director.

[2] Northwest A&F University Doctoral Research Start-up Fund (2452017246), Research on Point Cloud Surface Geometry Repair Method, 2018.01-2020.12, Director.

[3] Central Universities Basic Research Business Expenses Special Fund (2352015059), Research on Edge Information Generation Methods in Distributed Video Coding, 2015.01-2017.12, Participant.

Academic Conferences

(1) The 11th ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Academic Conference, Tokyo International Conference Center (2018.12.4-2018.12.8).

(2) The 25th Pacific Graphics Academic Conference, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Verbal Report, 2017.10.16-2017.10.19).

(3) The 3rd Computer Graphics And Mixed Environment Symposium (GAMES), Wuhan University (2017.06.15).

(4) Computer Graphics Frontier Seminar, Zhejiang University (2015.07.15-2015.07.17).

(5) The 10th Chinagraph & the 8th CAD/CG Joint Conferences, Wuhan University (2014.10.17-2014.10.19).

(6) The 8th International Conference on Geometrical Modeling and Processing (GMP2014), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Verbal Report, 2014.06.29-2014.07.01).

(7) The Computer Graphics Frontier Seminar, Zhejiang University2013.07.15-2013.07.19.

(8) The 9th Chinagraph Conference, Sichuan University (2012.10.17-2012.10.19).

Postgraduate Student Cultivation

Master: Ren Fei’er, Liu Tong, Wu Xuefeng, Wang Chao

Master Candidate: Liu Yan, Zhang Cheng, Han Miaomiao, Xiong Youyi, Yang Lei, Dong Suying, Wang Jiahao, Li Zhenzhe, Qiao Dan, He Yijia