
Kaiyue Su

Author:  Source:  Date:2024-03-15  

Kaiyue Su


Teaching Assistant

Sex: Female

Nationality: Han

Birthplace: Fufeng, Shaanxi Province

Member of the Communist Party of China

Education and Working Background

Master of Free University of Brussels (2015)

Joined the College of Information Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Undertook the Teaching Task of Computer Information Courses (2019-)

Areas of Research Interests/Research Projects

Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence


She has undertaken Public Foundation Courses in Computer Science for Non-Information Majors of the University: College Computer Information Technology, College Programming (Python).

She has undertaken the Practical Training Course "Practice of Database Synthesis" for Information Majors, and the Course "Python Application Technology" for Artificial Intelligence Minors.

Academic Achievement

She has participated in the Construction of Resources for the Provincial First-class Course "University Information Technology" and Co-edited the Course’s Supporting Textbook "University Information Technology".

She has participated in the School-level Education Reform Project "Construction and Practice of Experimental Teaching Evaluation System for Computer Public Foundation Course".

She has participated in the Construction of High-quality Online Teaching Resources for "Computer Processing of Experimental Data", which is "learning-centered".


Office:114, College of Information Engineering, Northwest A&F University


Email: kaiysu@nwsuaf.edu.cn