
Bin Li

Author:  Source:  Date:2024-03-14  

Bin Li


Education Background

Ph.D., Northwestern Polytechnical University (2012.03-2018.03)

Master, Northwestern Polytechnical University (2009.09-2012.03)

Bachelor, Hebei University of Technology (2005-2009)

Working Profile

Lecturer of College of Information Engineering, Northwest A&F University (2018.04-)

Research Projects

I have presided over or participated in the following projects:

[1] Shaanxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation, Research on Radar High-Resolution Range Profile Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Machine Learning, Project No. 2021JQ-179, 2021.01.01 – 2022.12.31(Director).

[2] The Ministry of Education Industry-University Cooperation Project, Course Construction of Mobile Software Development based on Huawei HMS, ¥50,000 in funding, 2021.03 – 2022.03, Completed (Director).

[3] The Ministry of Education Industry-University Cooperation Project, Course Construction of Embedded System based on IMX6 Experimental Platform, 2020.01 – 2021.01, Completed (Director).

[4] The National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program), 61571364, Research on Interference Suppression Algorithm for Wireless Mobile Communication System, 2016.01 – 2019.12, Completed (Participant).

[5] The National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program), 61171155, Research on Airborne Radar Target Identification Algorithm based on Information Fusion, 2012.01 – 2015.12, Completed (Participant).

Academic Achievement

[1] Li Bin, Li Hui, Guo Songyun. Using t-distribution Based Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis Model for High Resolution Range Profile Recognition[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.39, No.8, p1857-1864, Aug 2017. (EI:20174404321138)

[2] Li Bin, Li Hui. HRRP feature extraction based on mixtures of probabilistic principal component analysis[J]. Systems Engineering and Electronics, Vol.39, No.1, p1-7, January 2017. (EI:20170103221649)

[3] Li BinLi HuiHuang Weibin. Modified PPCA Methods for Radar HRRP Robust Recognition[J]. Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University, Vol.34, No.6, p1022-1027, Dec.2016.EI:20170103211679

[4] Li Bin, Li Hui. Nonparametric weighted MMC feature extraction method for HRRP recognition[C]. IEEE 10th international conference on intelligent computer communication and processing. Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2014.EI:20144900296183

[5] Li Bin, Li Hui, Guo Songyun. Using Evolutionary algorithm and Adaptive Wavelet for HRRP feature extraction and classification[C]. AIACT’17 2017 International conference on artificial intelligence, Automation and Control Technologies. Wuhan, China, 2017.EI:20173003974631

[6] Duan Peipei, Li Hui, Li Bin. Radar High Resolution Range Profile Target Recognition Based on Sparse Decomposition in Compressed Sensing[J]. Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University, Vol.34, No.2, p256-261, April 2016. (EI:20162102422411)

[7] Zhai Haitian, Li Hui, Li Bin. Infrared Super Resolution Reconstruction Based on Region Division[J]. Optics and Precision Engineering, Vol.23, No.10, p2989-2996, Oct.2015. (EI:20154801627382)

[8] Wang H B, Li H, Li B. DOA estimation based on sparse signal recovery utilizing double-threshold sigmoid penalty[J]. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2015.EI:20155001659738

[9] Zhang Wenjie, Li Hui, Li Bin. Iterative decision-directed channel estimation for MIMO-OFDM system[C]. ICCC 2016 2nd International conference on computer and communications. Chengdu, China, 2016.EI:20172303742189