
Lvwen Huang

Author:  Source:  Date:2024-03-14  

Lvwen Huang

Associate Professor

Education and Working Background

Doctoral Supervisor, Vice-President of the College of Information Engineering, Associate Professor of Northwest A&F University (Now)

Ph.D.in Agricultural Electrification and Automation, Northwest A&F University (2013)

Academic Visit to Advanced Intelligent System and Robot Technology Lab, Engineering College, University of Guelph, Canada (2009-2010)

Joined the College of Information Engineering, Northwest A&F University (2005-)

Honors and Awards

School-level Outstanding Teacher

School-level Advanced Individual

School-level Outstanding Instructor

School-level Outstanding Postgraduate Instructor

Special Contribution Award for Rural Revitalization Work

Social Service

Member of IEEE

Member of China CCF Computer Application

Executive Committee of China CCF Digital Agriculture Special Committee

CCF Director of Shaanxi Province

Director of Shaanxi Society of Image and Graphics

Shaanxi Big Data and Cloud Computing Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance (Director)

Research Status

My research interests lie in Intelligent Control System, Robot Vision, and Non-Destructive Testing Technology. I have long been engaged in the agricultural information service and system operation and maintenance of our experiment and demonstration station (base) and industrial system.

I have presided over 10 projects such as the Major Agricultural Technology Promotion Special Project of the Ministry of Finance & the Ministry of Agriculture, Key R&D Sub-projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and Provincial-level Key Scientific Research Sub-Projects.

In recent years, I have published more than 20 papers in Intelligent Agriculture, Computer Application, and other journals, and have co-edited and published 2 teaching reference books.

I have supervised more than 20 masters.

Machine learning, computer control technology and other methods are applied to crop growth intelligent inspection robots, environmental monitoring and control, non-destructive testing of apple quality, non-contact measurement of body size and weight of beef cattle and the construction and operation of a big data platform for the apple/rabbit/cattle industry, which has initially solved some of the problems of detection, monitoring and control platforms in the digitization process of China's agriculture.