
Hongguang Sun

Author:  Source:  Date:2024-03-14  

Hongguang Sun

Associate Professor

Master Supervisor

Education Background

Bachelor of Electronic and Information Engineering, Northeastern University (2009)

D.E., Ph.D. in Communication and Information System, Xidian University (2015.12)

Visiting Ph.D. Candidate for Joint Research at Singapore University of Technology and Design (2015.01-2015.07)

Working Profile

Lecturer of School of Telecommunications Engineering, Xidian University (2015.12-2018.12)

Associate Professor of College of Information Engineering, Northwest A&F University (2018.12-)

Social Service

Chinese Institute of Electronics Internet of Things Youth Specialized Technical Group Communication Member

Member of China Institute of Communications

Member of the Chinese Institute of Electronics

IEEE Member

Research Status

My research is working on the research of Performance Analysis of Wireless Heterogeneous Networks, Resource Control, Transmission of the Internet of Things and other technologies.

I have published 1 Monograph in English, 35 academic papers in important journals and international conferences at home and abroad, 11 indexed by SCI and 24 indexed by EI.

I have applied for 13 national invention patents, and 4 of which have been granted.

As the project leader, I am working on:

1 General Program of Shaanxi Provincial Natural Science Basic Research Program

1 Special Project for Introducing Talents to Northwest A&F University

And I have completed:

1 Youth Fund Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China

2 Projects of the Central University Basic Operation Fund

I have served as the reviewer of IEEE TWC, IEEE TCOM, IEEE JSAC, IEEE TVT, IEEE ACCESS, IEEE WCL, IEEE CL and other important journals in the field of communication for a long time. I have long been a member of IEEE ICC, IEEE WCNC, IEEE VTC, IEEE CIC/ICCC and other international conferences’ technical procedure committees.

Honors and Awards

1 Shaanxi Provincial Science and Technology Award, First Prize (ranking: 8/11) (2016)

1 Shaanxi University Science and Technology Award, First Prize, (ranking: 8/11) (2016)

Outstanding Master's Degree Thesis Supervisor at the College level (2022)

Guided students to be awarded the Outstanding Professional Master's Degree Thesis at the School level (2022)

Scientific Research

In the near future, we will focus on the following three research directions:

1. Networking Theory and Transmission Performance Analysis of the Internet of Things.

2. Research on the Application of Federated Learning and Reinforcement Learning in Wireless Networks.

3. Research on Resource Management and Interference Control Technology of the Heterogeneous Network (cellular/D2D/UAV).

Mentoring Students

I have directed the graduate students to publish one journal paper in the IEEE Internet of Things Journal in CAS Zone1 of SCI as the first author, and won the excellent professional degree master's thesis of the class of 2022. I have published three papers in IEEE ICC, IEEE WCNC and WCSP, which are well-known international conferences in the field of communication.

I am awarded the second prize of the Northwest Region in the "2020 China University Computer Competition - WeChat Mini Program Application Development Competition Final".

I have received 1 Postgraduate Principal's Scholarship for 2020-2021, guided undergraduate students to be awarded one key innovation training project each at national, provincial and university levels.

Scientific Achievement

I have published 9 academic papers in IEEE JSAC, IEEE TWC, IEEE IoT-J, IEEE MCOM, IEEE TVT, IEEE WCL and other international journals as first author or corresponding author, 10 academic papers in IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE ICC and other flagship international conferences in the field of communication, and have published one monograph in English as co-author, and applied for and granted 7 national invention patents as the first inventor.


[1] Jiandong Li, Min Sheng, Xijun Wang, and Hongguang Sun, "Interference and Resource Management in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks," Artech House Press, 2018.

Journal Article

[1] Hongguang Sun, Min Sheng, Matthias Wildemeersch, Tony Q.S. Quek, and Jiandong Li, "Traffic Adaptation and Energy Efficiency for Samll Cell Networks with Dynamic TDD"IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in communications, vol. 34 no.12, pp. 3234~3251, Dec. 2016. (IF:9.144, CCF A, CAS Zone1, SCI)

[2] Hongguang Sun, Matthias Wildemeersch, M. Sheng, and Tony Q. S. Quek, “D2D Enhanced Heterogeneous Cellular Networks with Dynamic TDD,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 14, no. 8, August 2015, pp. 4204-4218. (IF:7.016, CCF BCAS Zone1, SCI)

[3] Yan Shi, Hongguang Sun*, Min Sheng, Jiandong Li, and Xuan Li, "Constructing a Robust Topology for Reliable Communications in Multi-channel Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks", IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 56, no.4, April 2018, pp. 172-179. (IF:10.435CAS Zone1, SCI)

[4] Zhendong Song, Hongguang Sun*Howard H. Yang, Xijun Wang, Yan Zhang, and Tony Q. S. Quek, "Reputation-based Federated Learning for Secure Wireless Networks", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted for publication.IF9.936CAS Zone1, SCI

[5] Hongguang Sun, Xijun Wang, Yan Zhang, Tony, Q.S. Quek, "Performance Analysis and Cell Association Design for Drone-Assisted Heterogeneous Networks", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologyvol. 69, no. 11, pp. 13741-13755, Nov. 2020. (IF: 5.379, CAS Zone2, SCI)

[6] Yan Zhang, Yao He, Xijun Wang, Hongguang Sun*, and Tony Q. S. Quek, “Modeling and Performance Analysis of Statistical Priority-based Multiple Access: A Stochastic Geometry Approach”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Early Access. (CAS Zone1, SCI, IF:9.936, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3144272)

[7] Hongguang Sun, Huanhuan Shen, Howard H. Yang, Xijun Wang, Jingmin Liu, Shuqin Li, and Tony Q.S. Quek, “Impacts of User Association and Power control on AoI in Multi-Tier Cellular-based IoT Networks”, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (WCL), Early Access. (CAS Zone3, SCIIF:4.348)

[8] Yan Zhang, Yao He, Hongguang Sun*, Xijun Wang, Tony Q. S. Quek, “Performance Analysis of Statistical Priority-based Multiple Access Network with Directional Antennas”, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (WCL), vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 220-224, Feb. 2022. (CAS Zone3, SCI, IF:4.348)

[9] Min Sheng, Hongguang Sun, Xijun Wang, Yan Zhang, Tony Q.S. Quek, Junyu Liu, and Jiandong Li, “On-Demand Scheduling: Achieving QoS Differentiation for D2D Communications,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 53, no. 7, July 2015, pp. 162-170. (IF: 10.435, CAS Zone1, SCI)

[10] Hongguang Sun, Min Sheng, Xijun Wang, Yan Zhang, and Yan Shi, “Distributed Cooperative Device-to-Device Transmissions Underlaying Cellular Networks,” Wireless Networks, vol. 21, no. 4, May 2015, pp.1411-1423. (IF: 2.602, CAS Zone3, SCI)

Conference Papers

[1] Hongguang Sun, Howard H. Yang, Xijun Wang, Chao Xu, and Tony Q.S. Quek, "Performance Analysis for Multi-Antenna Small Cell Networks with Clustered Dynamic TDD", in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Taipei, Taiwan, 7-11 Dec. 2020. (Indexed by EI, CCF C)

[2] Hongguang Sun, Xijun Wang, Chao Xu, Yan Zhang, and Tony Q.S. Quek, "Performance Analysis for Drone-Assisted HetNets with Flexible Cell Association", in Proc. IEEE ICC, Dublin, Ireland, 7–11 June 2020. (Indexed by EI, CCF C)

[3] Zhendong Song, Hongguang Sun*, Howard H. Yang, Xijun Wang, Tony Q. S. Quek, "Federated Learning in Multi-antenna Wireless Networks", in Proc. IEEE ICC workshops, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 14-23, 2021. (Indexed by EI, CCF C)

[4] Yajun Ma, Hongguang Sun*, Shuqin Li, Xijun Wang, and Tony Q.S. Quek, "Performance Analysis of IoT networks with Mobile Data Collectors", in Proc. IEEE WCNC, Nanjing, China, Mar. 29-Apr. 1, 2021. (Indexed by EI, CCF C)

[5] Hongguang Sun, Rui Yang, Min Sheng, Yan Zhang, Jia Liu, and Jiandong Li, "Coverage Analysis for Ultra-Dense Networks with Dynamic TDD", Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 9-13 Dec. 2018. (Indexed by EI, CCF C)

[6] Hongguang Sun, Min Sheng, Matthias Wildemeersch, Tony Q.S. Quek, and Jiandong Li, "Traffic Adaptation for Small Cell Networks with Dynamic TDD," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Washington, DC, Dec. 4-8, 2016. (Indexed by EI, CCF C)

[7] Hongguang Sun, Min Sheng, Yan Zhang, Xijun Wang, Junyu Liu, and Tony Q.S. Quek, "Location-Aware Spectrum Sharing for D2D Underlaid LTE-Advanced with Power Control," Proc. IEEE ICC, Kuala Lumpur, May 23-27, 2016. (Indexed by EI, CCF C)

[8] Hongguang Sun, Min Sheng, Matthias Wildemeersch, and Tony Q.S. Quek, "Coverage analysis for two-tier dynamic TDD heterogeneous networks," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Austin, TX, Dec. 8-12, 2014. (Indexed by EI, CCF C)

[9] Hongguang Sun, Min Sheng, Matthias Wildemeersch, and Tony Q.S. Quek, "Modeling of D2D enhanced two-tier dynamic TDD heterogeneous cellular networks," in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC, Shanghai, China, Oct. 13-15, 2014. (Indexed by EI)

[10] Hongguang Sun, Min Sheng, Xijun Wang, Yan Zhang, Junyu Liu, and Kan Wang, “Resource allocation for maximizing the device-to-device communications underlaying LTE-Advanced networks,” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC Workshops, Xi’an, China, Aug. 2013. (Indexed by EI)

Application for National Invention Patent

[1] Sun Hongguang, Cao Hao et al. A Virtual Machine Dynamic Migration Method Based on User Service Quality Requirement Difference (Patent No.: ZL201810836808.1, Grant Date: 2021.09.14)

[2] Sun Hongguang, Jin Luyao et al. A Resource Integration Method Based on Time-varying Characteristics of User Demand in the Cloud Computing Environment. (Patent No. ZL201811026844.8, Grant Date: 2021.09.21)

[3] Sun Hongguang, Yang Rui, et al. An Interference Management and Control Method Based on Cell Dynamic Clustering in Dense DTDD Network (Patent No.: ZL201910459418.1, Grant Date: 2022.05.23)

[4] Sun Hongguang, Gao Zhenyu, et al. A Method and System for Relay Deployment of UAV Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. (Application No.: 202010662808.1, Grant Date: 2020.07.10)

[5] Sun Hongguang, Song Zhendong, et al. A Reliable Federal Learning Method and System Based on Terminal Reputation in Wireless Networks. (Application No. 202010898028.7, Grant Date: 2020.08.31)

[6] Sun Hongguang, Gao Yinjie, et al. A Channel Access Method of Multi-priority Wireless Terminal Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning (Application No.: 202110781263. 0, Grant Date: 2021.07.10)

[7] Sun Hongguang, Song Zhendong, et al. A Reliable Federated Learning Method, System, Device, and Terminal in a Clustering Network Architecture. (Application No. 202210626888.4, Grant Date: 2022.06.06)