
关于举办“AI in XR with Applications”和“Artificial Intelligence for Media”主题讲座的通知

作者:  来源:  发布日期:2024-05-09  浏览次数:

报告题目:1.AI in XR with Applications

                 2.Artificial Intelligence for Media

报  告 人:1.Wen Tang  教授

                 2.Xiaosong Yang  教授




1. In this presentation, Professor Tang will give an introduction to the use of AI in XR (Extended  Reality) and show how the integration of AI and XR applied in a number of projects, including computational framework and algorithms.

2. Artificial Intelligence technology has been developed really fast in the past few years. It has gradually changed our daily lives without even noticing that, for example, recommendation system on shopping platform, face recognition on mobile etc. For the media industry, the change is also drastic. Lots of new tools, such as OpenAI Sora, ChatGPT4, MidJourney V5, Dall-E 3, Runway etc have revolutionised the whole film production pipeline. This talk will demonstrate some of the new works in the media production sector, also what our National Centre for Computer Animation have been doing in the past few years, including works from our undergraduate, master students and PhD/EngD researchers. Issues and concern about AI will also be discussed at the end.


1. Professor Wen Tang is a professor of Creative Technology in the department of Creative Technology at Bournemouth University. She is the Director of Hybrid Digital Physical Spaces Research Cluster at the university. The Research Cluster focuses on creating new designs and applications for XR (Extended Reality) technologies and explores novel XR for health, robotics, cultural heritage, and many other applications.  Professor Tang has over 30 years research experience in real-time 3D Computer Graphics, especially Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality with over 100 papers published at top international conferences and in high impact journals such as IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Pattern Recognition, Computer Graphics Forum, The Visual Computer etc.  Professor Tang has received research funding from prestigious EPSRC, The Royal Society of Engineering, and Horizon Europe 2020. More recently, she is the PI and coordinator for the H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019:iGame project, principal investigator for the European Interreg 2 Seas PATH (2019-2023) and the  European Interreg Channel ASPIRE (2020 -2024) projects with a total of over 2 million euros funding.

2.Prof Yang is currently a Professor and Deputy Head of Department at the National Centre for Computer Animation, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom. He has over 30 years’ experience of research, education and professional practice in computer animation, machine learning, data mining, digital health, virtual reality and surgery simulation. He is passionate to promote the technical innovation of AI in animation production and has successfully developed new technique into animation production pipeline. He has produced more than 110 peer reviewed publications including many in prestigious journals and conferences. His muscle-based animation work has been well reported by some of the most prestigious international news outlets, including NewScientist and MIT Technology Review. As PI and Co-I, he has secured over 35 research grants from European Commission, Arts and Humanities Research Council, British Academy, Leverhulme, British Council, Newton Fund, Innovate UK, Wessex AHSN, Higher Education Innovation Fund. Prof Yang’s excellent performance and contribution has helped NCCA to win the Queen’s Anniversary Award in 2011 for its contribution in computer animation education. Prof Yang has supervised over 30 PhD students, postdocs, research assistant and international visiting scholars. He is one of the few UK Council for Graduate Education recognized supervisors; an award that recognizes outstanding practice in postgraduate supervision. Prof Yang has rich experience to manage teams with both artist and technician together, and collaborate closely with companies, like Disney Research, Double Negative, MPC. He has been appointed as external examiner for PhD viva for several times, including Imperial College London, The University of Edinburgh, Durham University, University of Sheffield, University of Bath, Cardiff University, University of Calgary (Canada), University of Northumbria, Brunel University London and University of Bedfordshire. He is a member of the Peer Review College of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) UK, funding reviewer for AHRC, EPSRC, MRC, German Research Foundation and the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Prof Yang is a member of the Program Committee for several international conferences (SIGGRAPH Asia, CGI, CASA etc), conference program chairs (CGI2012, CASA2020/2022, ICVR2023), reviewer for many top journals (TVCG, ACM ToG, C&G, Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, Neurocomputing, IEEE Access) and conferences (SIGGRAPH, Eurographics, ISMAR, PG, CGI etc). He has given several invited talks and keynote presentations internationally.