姓 名:张二磊
职 称:副教授,博士生、硕士生导师
邮 箱:Erlei.Zhang@nwafu.edu.cn
长期担任10多个国际权威期刊和会议审稿人,包括Pattern Recognition、IEEE Transactions on Image Processing、IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems、IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences、International Journal of Remote Sensing、Physics in Medicine and Biology、Medical Physics、西北农业学报、Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing等。
2024.12.20指导学生在国际权威期刊发表学术论文。Erlei Zhang, He Zong, Xinyu Li, Mingchen Feng and J. Ren, “ICSF: Integrating Inter-Modal and Cross-Modal Learning Framework for Self-Supervised Heterogeneous Change Detection,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Accept, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2024.3519195. (通讯作者, 中科院一区期刊, TOP期刊, IF: 5.855)
2024.12.20指导学生在国际顶级会议发表学术论文。He Zong, Erlei Zhang*, Xinyu Li, Hongming Zhang, Jinchang Ren, MDDNet: Multilevel Difference-Enhanced Denoise Network for Unsupervised Change Detection in SAR Images, 2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Accept, 2025. (中国计算机学会CCF B类会议)
2024.12.20指导学生在国际顶级会议发表学术论文。 Erlei Zhang*, Wenxuan Yuan, Xiangsen Liu, ChannelMixer: A Hybrid CNN-Transformer Framework for Enhanced Multivariate Long-Term Time Series Forecasting, 2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Accept, 2025. (中国计算机学会CCF B类会议)
2024.05.24 李馨宇、宗贺、田世茂等研究生参加2024中国图象图形学大会。
2024.03.16 指导学生在国际顶级会议发表学术论文。Erlei Zhang, Yu Zhang, et al., Fine-Grained Agricultural Facility Power Forecasting Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition, 2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2024), Accept, Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan, 30 June - 5 July 2024. (中国计算机学会CCF C类会议)
2024.03.16 指导学生在国际顶级会议发表学术论文。Baijia Xin, Erlei Zhang*, et al., Generative Adversarial Network-Based Spectral–Spatial Feature Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification, 2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2024), Accept, Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan, 30 June - 5 July 2024. (中国计算机学会CCF C类会议)
2024.02.19 指导学生在国际权威期刊发表学术论文。He Zong, Erlei Zhang*, et al., Multi-Scale Self-Supervised SAR Image Change Detection Based on Wavelet Transform, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 21:4006205, 19 Feb, 2024. (中科院二区期刊, IF: 3.833)
2024.02.10 指导学生在国际顶级会议发表学术论文。Kaikai Liu, et al., Automatic Segment-level Assessment of Regional Wall Motion Abnormality from Echocardiography Images, 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2024), May 2024, Athens, Greece. (医学影像领域顶级会议)
2024.01.19 指导学生在国际权威期刊发表学术论文。Shaoyi Fang, et al., Multi-Level Feature Extraction Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification, Remote Sensing, Vol.16, No. 3: 590, Feb. 4, 2024. (通讯作者, 中科院二区期刊, IF: 5.349)
1. 机器学习理论与方法研究;
2. 深度学习在遥感影像分析的应用研究;
3. 智慧农业、智慧渔业。
1. 博士生(博士后)招生专业方向:0828Z2 农业信息工程
2. 硕士生招生专业方向:
0812 计算机科学与技术(学硕1~2名)
0854 电子信息/人工智能(专硕1~2)095136 农业工程与信息技术(专硕)
1. 学习工作生活有激情、乐观、向上;
2. 对学术研究感兴趣,踏实、勤奋;
3. 数学功底扎实,有良好的英语阅读、写作能力;
4. 编程能力较强及具备模式识别、数学建模相关知识储备的同学优先考虑;
5. 须积极认真参与纵向课题研究、横向项目实践与研发。
1. 提供充足的软硬件科研设备和资金支持;
2. 提供参加国内/国际学术会议的资助;
3. 为有意愿出国深造的学生提供推荐;
4. 为有意愿攻读博士学位的同学提供推荐;
5. 为有意愿进入国内外龙头IT企业的同学提供推荐。
1. 基于Web智能应用设计与开发
2. 智慧渔业
3. 智能蚕桑养殖
1. 思想端正,对学习、生活、工作积极乐观
2. 有积极意愿参加科创项目实践
3. 英语和编程能力较强
4. 有机器学习、深度学习、数据挖掘、数学建模基础
1. 指导和推荐参加各级科创训练项目,以及研究机构或企业主办的技术竞赛;
2. 对在科创工作一年以上,各方面表现优异、取得一定科研成绩的本科同学,若取得我校推免资格,优先录取;
3. 若想保送外校读研究生,将协助推荐与联系。
20224.12.14 指导学生杨磊等学生团队分别获得第二十一届中国研究生数学建模竞赛一等奖,并获“数模之星”提名奖(打破学校在该竞赛纪录,总成绩全国第四,首次获提名奖)。
2024. 6 指导研究生张宇、杨磊在国际学术会议International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2024)上做报告。
20223.12.14 指导学生李馨宇、杨磊、房绍旖、宗贺两只团队分别获得第二十届中国研究生数学建模竞赛一等奖(连续两年学校在该竞赛获得的最高奖,首次获得2项最高奖)。
2023.11 指导研究生刘凯凯赴英国参加BMVC国际学术会议。
2023.9 指导研究生李馨宇获得中国计算机学会CCF资助参加第二十届中国计算机大会(CNCC2023,沈阳)。
2022.12.14 指导学生李馨宇团队获得第十九届中国研究生数学建模竞赛一等奖(学校在近4年该竞赛第一次获得的最高奖),张宇团队获得三等奖。
2022.12 指导的研究生房绍旖获得校级2021-2022年度优秀大学生“先进个人”奖
2022.11.28 指导本科生田怡团队申报的“医学影像分割和可视化软件系统”、赵董旻团队“面向工业大数据的时间序列预测方法与应用系统”获批2023年大学生创新训练项目。
2022.9.20 指导研究生房绍旖团队获得中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛产业命题赛道铜奖。
2022.6 指导本科生李馨宇获得西农院级优秀本科毕业论文
2021.12.10 指导本科生王晨团队申报的“植物叶片图像数据交互标注系统”获批2022年大学生创新训练项目(校级重点)。
2023.5 担任陕西省智慧渔业专业科技服务团团长
2023.3 担任陕西省科协科技人才奖项评审专家
2022.9 担任教育部、农业农村部、中国科协支持建设的科技小院首席专家
2022.11.20 担任第八届“西湖科创杯”中国研究生智慧城市技术与创意设计大赛评委
2022.6.8 担任2023 International Conference on Images, Signals, and Computing (ICISC 2023)程序委员
2022.5.27 担任第6届亚太人工智能技术大会ACAIT程序委员
2021.12.30 担任2022年图像处理与媒体计算国际会议(ICIPMC) 程序委员
2021.12.19 担任中国图象图形学会视觉大数据专业委员会委员,参与第4届中国模式识别与计算机视觉大会
2021.11.1 担任“正泰杯”第七届中国研究生智慧城市技术与创意设计大赛评委
2021.10.29 担任第5届亚太人工智能技术大会ACAIT程序委员
1. 杨治梁,冀磊磊,白志轩,基于深度学习的大豆叶片检测与面积计算方法研究2. 王晨,刘凡,柳妍,孙玲,游舒婷,植物叶片图像数据交互标注系统
3. 田怡,周洋,于博尧,潘会洋,医学影像分割和可视化软件系统
4. 赵董旻,冷皓鑫,曾令顺,贾鑫华,面向工业大数据的时间序列预测方法与应用系统
5. 邵焓瑞、安琪儿、占志豪,基于光学影像的智能蚕茧质量分级系统
6. 陈皓然、吕颖、闫佳新,基于深度学习的智能马铃薯叶片病斑分割与面积计算系统
白嘉欣:选调生(山西),在校期间以学生第一作者发表模式识别领域国际学术会议论文1篇 (CCF C类),获得国家级学科竞赛一等奖1项。
卞嘉蓉:就职于北京联通数字化中心,在校期间以学生第一作者发表模式识别领域国际学术会议论文1篇 (CCF C类)。
陈炜昊:选调生(广西),在校期间以学生第一作者发表模式识别领域国际学术会议论文1篇 (CCF B类)。
张 宇:选调生(青海),在校期间以学生第一作者发表模式识别领域国际学术会议论文1篇 (CCF C类),获得国家级学科竞赛三等奖1项。
[11] 国家自然科学基金面上项目 2024.01-2027.12
[10] 国家自然科学基金青年项目 2021.01-2023.12
[9] 国家重点研发计划(青年科学家项目)子课题 2023.12-2028.11
[8] 西安市农业重点产业链关键技术攻关项目 2024.06-2027.05
[7] 陕西省秦创原引用高层次创新创业人才项目 2021.03-20240.3
[6] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目 2019.01-2021.12
[5] 教育部产学合作协同育人项目 2023.01-2023.12
[4] 陕西省自然科学基础研究项目 2019.01-2020.12
[3] 智能感知与图像理解教育部重点实验室开放基金 2019.08-2020.12
[2] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金 2021.03-2025.12
[1] 美国心脏协会研究基金American Heart Association (AHA) Predoctoral Fellowship 2019.12-2021.11
[25] Erlei Zhang, He Zong, Xinyu Li, Mingchen Feng and J. Ren, “ICSF: Integrating Inter-Modal and Cross-Modal Learning Framework for Self-Supervised Heterogeneous Change Detection,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Accept, 2024, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2024.3519195. (通讯作者, 中科院一区期刊, TOP期刊, IF: 5.855)
[24] Jun Wang, Erlei Zhang*, Shan Cui, Jiaxin Wang, Qunxi Zhang, Jianping Fan, Jinye Peng*, “GGD-GAN: Gradient-Guided Dual-Branch Adversarial Networks for Relic Sketch Generation,”Pattern Recognition, vol.141:109586, 11 April, 2023: 109586. (通讯作者, 中科院一区期刊, IF: 8.518)
[23] Jun Wang, Jinyue Sun, Erlei Zhang*, Tian Zhang, Kai Yu*, Jinye Peng, Hyperspectral Image Classification via Deep Network with Attention Mechanism and Multigroup Strategy, Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 224, 15 August, pp.119904, 2023. (通讯作者, 中科院一区期刊, IF: 8.665)
[22] Jinye Peng, Lu Liu, Jun Wang*, Erlei Zhang*, Xuan Zhu, Yongqin Zhang, Jie Feng, Licheng Jiao, “PSMD-Net: a novel pan-sharpening method based on multi-scale dense network,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 4957-4971, 2021. (通讯作者, 中科院一区期刊, TOP期刊, IF: 5.855)
[21] Erlei Zhang*, Xiangrong Zhang*, Licheng Jiao, Lin Li, and Biao Hou, “Spectral-spatial hyperspectral image ensemble classification via joint sparse representation,” Pattern Recognition, vol. 59, pp. 42-54, 2016. (中科院一区期刊, TOP期刊, IF: 7.196)
[20] He Zong, Erlei Zhang*, Xinyu Li, et al., “Multi-Scale Self-Supervised SAR Image Change Detection Based on Wavelet Transform”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. Vol. 21:4006205, 2024. (通讯作者, 中科院二区期刊, IF: 3.833)
[19] Huaiping Yan, Erlei Zhang*, Jun Wang, Chengcai Leng, and Jinye Peng*. “MTFFN: Multimodal Transfer Feature Fusion Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 13. 2022. (通讯作者, 中科院二区期刊, IF: 3.833, PDF)
[18] Shaoyi Fang, Xinyu Li, Shimao Tian, Weihao Chen, and Erlei Zhang*, Multi-Level Feature Extraction Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification, Remote Sensing, Vol.16, No. 3: 590, Feb. 4, 2024. (通讯作者, 中科院二区期刊, IF: 5.349)
[17] Erlei Zhang, Jiayi Zhang, Jiaxin Bai, Jiarong Bian, Shaoyi Fang, Tao Zhan, Mingchen Feng*, Attention-Embedded Triple-Fusion Branch CNN for Hyperspectral Image Classification, Remote Sensing, Vol.15, No.8: 2150, 19 April, 2023. (中科院二区期刊, IF: 5.349)
[16] Erlei Zhang, Yihao Fu, Jun Wang, Lu Liu, Kai Yu, Jinye Peng*. “MSAC-Net: 3D Multi-Scale Attention Convolutional Network for Multi-spectral Imagery Pansharpening”, Remote Sensing, vol.14, no. 12: 2761. Jul. 6, 2022. WOS:000818252200001(中科院二区期刊, IF: 5.349)
[15] Sir Eiad Almekhlafi, Moeen AL-Makhlafi, Erlei Zhang*, Jun Wang, Jinye Peng*, "Classification Benchmark for Arabic Alphabet Phonemes with Diacritics in Deep Neural Network", Computer Speech and Language, Vol 71, August 1, 2021. (通讯作者,中科院二区期刊, IF: 1.899)
[14] Jinye Peng, Jiaxin Wang, Jun Wang*, Erlei Zhang*, Qunxi Zhang, Yongqin Zhang, Xianlin Peng, Kai Yu, “A relic sketch extraction framework based on detail-aware hierarchical deep network,” Signal Processing, Vol. 183, June 2021, 108008. (通讯作者, 中科院二区期刊, IF: 4.384, PDF)
[13] Erlei Zhang, Stephen Seiler, Mingli Chen, Weiguo Lu*, Xuejun Gu*, “BIRADS features-oriented semi-supervised deep learning for breast ultrasound computer-aided diagnosis,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 351-557, 2020. (中科院二区期刊, TOP期刊, IF: 2.883, WOS:000542229100001)
[12] Lu Liu, Jun Wang*, Erlei Zhang*, Bin Li, Xuan Zhu, Yongqin Zhang, Jinye Peng, “Shallow-deep convolutional network and spectral discrimination-based detail injection for multispectral imagery pan-sharpening,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 13, pp. 1772-1783, 2020. (通讯作者, 中科院三区期刊, IF: 3.827)
[11] Tian Zhang, Jun Wang*, Erlei Zhang*, Kai Yu, Yongqin Zhang, Jinye Peng, “RMCNet: Random multiscale convolutional network for hyperspectral image classification,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 1826-1830, Oct. 2021. (通讯作者, 中科院二区期刊, IF: 3.833)
[10] Erlei Zhang, Licheng Jiao, Xiangrong Zhang*, Hongying Liu, and Shuang Wang, “Class-level joint sparse representation for multifeature-based hyperspectral image classification,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, vol. 9, pp. 4160-4177, 2016. (中科院三区期刊, IF: 3.827)
[9] Erlei Zhang, Xiangrong Zhang*, Licheng Jiao, Hongying Liu, and Shuang Wang, “Weighted multifeature hyperspectral image classification via kernel joint sparse representation,” Neurocomputing, vol. 178, pp. 71-86, 2016. (中科院二区期刊, TOP期刊, IF: 4.438)
[8] Erlei Zhang, Xiangrong Zhang, Licheng Jiao, and Hongying Liu, “Fast multifeature joint sparse representation for hyperspectral image classification,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 1397-1401, 2015. (中科院二区期刊, IF: 3.827)
[7] Erlei Zhang, Xiangrong Zhang, Shuyuan Yang, and Shuang Wang, “Improving hyperspectral image classification using spectral information divergence,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 249-253, 2015. (中科院二区期刊, IF: 3.833)
[6] Huaiping Yan, Erlei Zhang, Jun Wang*, Chengcai Leng, Anup Basu, Jinye Peng*, Hybrid Conv-ViT Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Accept, 19 Jun, 2023. (中科院二区期刊, IF: 3.833)
[5] Tao Zhan*, Maoguo Gong, Xiangming Jiang, Erlei Zhang, "S3Net: Superpixel-Guided Self-Supervised Learning Network for Multitemporal Image Change Detection", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Accept, 2023. (中科院二区期刊, IF: 3.833)
[4] Huaiping Yan, Jun Wang, Lei Tang, Erlei Zhang, Kun Yan, Kai Yu, Jinye Peng*, "A 3D Cascaded Spectral-Spatial Element Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification", Remote Sensing, vol. 13, no.13, 2451,June 18 2021. (中科院二区期刊, IF: 4.509, PDF )
[3] Shaode Yu, Mingli Chen, Erlei Zhang, Junjie Wu, Hang Yu, Zi Yang, Lin Ma, Xuejun Gu, Weiguo Lu, “Robustness study of noisy annotation in deep learning based medical image segmentation,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 65, no. 17:175007, 2020. (中科院二区期刊, IF: 2.883, WOS:000565759600001)
[2] Meng Jia, Maoguo Gong, Erlei Zhang, Yu Li, and Licheng Jiao, “Hyperspectral image classification based on nonlocal means with a novel class-relativity measurement,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 1300-1304, 2014. (中科院二区期刊, IF: 3.833)
[1] Hongying Liu, Shuang Wang, Rongfang Wang, Junfei Shi, Erlei Zhang, Shuyuan Yang, and Licheng Jiao, “A framework for classification of urban areas using polarimetric SAR images integrating color features and statistical model”, Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, vol. 04, no. 35, pp. 398-406, 2016. (中科院三区期刊, IF: 0.384)
[23] He Zong, Erlei Zhang*, Xinyu Li, Hongming Zhang, Jinchang Ren, MDDNet: Multilevel Difference-Enhanced Denoise Network for Unsupervised Change Detection in SAR Images, 2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Accept, 2025. (中国计算机学会CCF B类会议)
[22] Erlei Zhang*, Wenxuan Yuan, Xiangsen Liu, ChannelMixer: A Hybrid CNN-Transformer Framework for Enhanced Multivariate Long-Term Time Series Forecasting, 2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Accept, 2025. (中国计算机学会CCF B类会议)
[21] Erlei Zhang, Yu Zhang, et al., Fine-Grained Agricultural Facility Power Forecasting Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition, 2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2024), Accept, Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan, 30 June - 5 July 2024. (中国计算机学会CCF C类会议)
[20] Baijia Xin, Erlei Zhang*, et al., Generative Adversarial Network-Based Spectral–Spatial Feature Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification, 2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2024), Accept, Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan, 30 June - 5 July 2024. (中国计算机学会CCF C类会议)
[19] Kaikai Liu, et al., Automatic Segment-level Assessment of Regional Wall Motion Abnormality from Echocardiography Images, 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2024), May 2024, Athens, Greece. (医学影像领域顶级会议)
[18] Kaikai Liu, et al., Enhance Regional Wall Segmentation by Style Transfer for Regional Wall Motion Assessment,The 34th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2023), 20th - 24th November 2023, Aberdeen, UK (中国计算机学会CCF C类会议,医学影像领域顶级会议)
[17] Erlei Zhang, Minghui Sima, Jun Wang, Jinye Peng*, and Jinglei Li*, "Weakly Supervised Whole Cardiac Segmentation via Attentional CNN," Fifth International Conference on Intelligence Science (ICIS2022), Xi’an, China, on October 28-31, 2022. (Oral presentation)
[16] Huaiping Yan, ErLei Zhang, Jun Wang*, Chengcai Leng, Haida Liang and JinYe Peng*, "Coarse-Refined Local Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification", 2022 International Conference on Image Processing and Media Computing (ICIPMC 2022), Xi'an, China, May 27-29, 2022.
[15] Jiaqi Chen, Shuyin Zhang*, Meng Tian, Zhiguo Xie, Huan Chen, and Erlei Zhang. “A Combination Classifier of Polarimetric SAR image Based on D-S Evidence Theory.” 4th Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV), Zhuhai, China, Dec. 19, 2021.
[14] Kai Yu; Yuheng Li; Jing Yan; Ruiheng Xie; Erlei Zhang; Cheng Liu; Jun Wang. Intelligent labeling of areas of wall painting with paint loss disease based on multiscale detail injection U-Net[C]//Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology VIII. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2021, 11784: 1178409. (PDF)
[13] Qunxi Zhang, Shan Cui, Lu Liu, Jiaxin Wang, Jun Wang, Erlei Zhang, Jinye Peng, Sotiria Kogou, Florence Liggins, and Haida Liang "Deep learning for the extraction of sketches from spectral images of historical paintings", Proc. SPIE 11784, Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology VIII, 1178407 (8 July 2021); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2593680. (PDF)
[12] Shaode Yu, Zhicheng Zhang, Xiaokun Liang, Junjie Wu, Erlei Zhang, Wenjian Qin, Yaoqin Xie, “A matlab toolbox for feature importance ranking,” International Conference on Medical Image Physics and Engineering, 2019. (Accept)
[11] Erlei Zhang, Stephen Seiler, Mingli Chen, Weiguo Lu, Xuejun Gu, “Boundary-aware semi-supervised deep learning for breast ultrasound computer-aided diagnosis,” International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pp. 947-950, 2019.
[10] Erlei Zhang, Jinglei Li, Stephen Seiler, Mingli Chen, Weiguo Lu, Xuejun Gu. "A benchmark for breast ultrasound image computer-aided diagnosis." MEDICAL PHYSICS. Vol. 46. No. 6. 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY, 2019.
[9] Erlei Zhang, Zi Yang, Stephen Seiler, Mingli Chen, Weiguo Lu, Xuejun Gu. "Breast ultrasound computer-aided diagnosis using triplet path networks with fisher discriminant analysis." MEDICAL PHYSICS. Vol. 46. No. 6. 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY, 2019.
[8] Yan Liu, Erlei Zhang, and Xuejun. Gu. "Capsule architecture based automatic lung segmentation strategy." MEDICAL PHYSICS. Vol. 46. No. 6. 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY, 2019.
[7] Shaode Yu, Erlei Zhang, Zi Yang, Weiguo Lu, Xuejun Gu, Yaoqin Xie. "Deep learning based mammographic breast cancer diagnosis: a technical review." MEDICAL PHYSICS. Vol. 46. No. 6. 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY, 2019.
[6] Zi Yang, Erlei Zhang, Shaode Yu, Zabi Wardak, Mingli Chen, Weiguo Lu, Xuejun Gu. "Deep-learning based classification of Alzheimer's disease using resting-state functional MRI time series." MEDICAL PHYSICS. Vol. 46. No. 6. 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY, 2019.
[5] Erlei Zhang, Stephen Seiler, Mingli Chen, Weiguo Lu, Xuejun Gu, “BIRADS features-oriented semi-supervised deep learning for breast ultrasound computer-aided diagnosis,” International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy (ICCR), Canada, 2019. (Oral presentation)
[4] Hongying Liu, Xing Xing, Shigang Wang, Zhixi Feng, Erlei Zhang, Shuyuan Yang, Biao Hou, and Licheng Jiao, “Fast semi-supervised classification based on parallel auction graph for polarimetric SAR data,” IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016. (Top conference in remote image analysis)
[3] Xiangrong Zhang, Cheng Cai, Jinliang An, Yaoguo Zheng, Erlei Zhang, and Biao Hou, “Sparsity-constrained generalized bilinear model for hyperspectral unmixing,” IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2015. (Top conference in remote image analysis)
[2] Xiangrong Zhang, Peng Weng, Jie Feng, Erlei Zhang, and Biao Hou, “Spatial-spectral classification based on group sparse coding for hyperspectral image,” IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2013. (Top conference in remote image analysis)
[1] Xiangrong Zhang, Erlei Zhang, and Runxin Li, “Optimized feature extraction by immune clonal selection algorithm,” IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2012.
[1]一种基于层次化残差神经网络的图像超分辨率方法, 2019-8 -28, 中国, ZL201910802779.1. (授权)
[2]一种基于双线性结构的层级分类方法, 2019-6-24, 中国, ZL201910548377.3. (授权)
[3]同义词挖掘方法、装置、设备和计算机可读存储介质, 2018-3-2, 中国, ZL201710852095.3. (授权)
[4]基于双通道神经网络的遥感图像融合方法, 2019-6-14, 中国, ZL201811635472.9. (授权)
[5]高光谱图像特征提取、分类模型构建及分类方法, 2019-8-9, 中国, ZL201910247707.5. (授权)
[6]一种基于多尺度密集网络的Pan-sharpening方法, 2019-11-22, 中国, ZL201911155272.8. (授权)
[7]一种层次化彩绘文物线稿提取模型构建、方法及装置, 2020-01-16, 中国, ZL202010049526.4. (授权)
[8]基于3D卷积的多尺度注意力深度卷积网络的遥感图像融合方法,2021-01-13, 中国, ZL202110042742.0. (授权)
[9]基于三重路径网络的乳腺辅助识别方法、系统、终端及介质, 2022-06-24, 中国, ZL202210726753.5. (授权)
[10] 一种细粒度电力数据预测方法、系统、设备及介质, 2024-11-29, 中国, ZL202411194550.1. (授权)
[11]基于神经架构搜索的行人重识别模型构建方法及装置, 2019-10-11, 中国, CN201910964255.2.
[12]基于部分哈达玛矩阵的超分辨率鬼成像方法及系统, 2020-06-19, 中国, CN202010566560.9.
[13]基于高光谱分类与分割的壁画颜料层脱落病害标注方法,2020.06.19,中国, CN202010564567.7.
[14]一种高光谱图像分类模型的构建方法、分类方法及系统,2020.08,06,中国, CN202010781786.0
[15]基于改进 CGAN 的 SAR 到光学图像翻译方法、系统、装置及介质,2023.06.14,中国,CN202310680680.5
Name:Erlei Zhang
Professional Title:Associate Professor
Office:School of Information Engineering, 413
Personal Information Education
2010.09—2015.12 Xidian University Doctor degree
Major in Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems
2006.09—2010.07 Henan Polytechnic University Bachelor degree
Major in Electronic Information Engineering
Working Experience
2021.03—Present Northwest A&F University School of Information Engineering
Associate Professor
2018.05—2021.02 Northwest University School of Information Science and Technology
UT Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW), Texas, USA
Postdoctoral Fellow
2016.02—2018.04 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
AI Scientist
Academic Participation
Dr. Zhang is serving as the peer-review expert and Technical Program Committee member for many international journals and conferences members, such as Pattern Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Physics in Medicine and Biology, Medical Physics, Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing.
Research Directions Dr. Zhang's research interests include AI technologies such as machine learning, smart agriculture, remote sensing image understanding, and medical image-aided diagnosis.
Curriculum Artificial Intelligence
Software Engineering Economics
Academic Achievement Publications of Journal
[21] Jun Wang, Erlei Zhang*, Shan Cui, Jiaxin Wang, Qunxi Zhang, Jianping Fan, Jinye Peng*, GGD-GAN: Gradient-Guided Dual-Branch Adversarial Networks for Relic Sketch Generation, Pattern Recognition, 11 April, 2023: 109586. (Corresponding author, IF: 8.518)
[20] Huaiping Yan, Erlei Zhang, Jun Wang*, Chengcai Leng, Anup Basu, Jinye Peng*, Hybrid Conv-ViT Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Accept, 19 Jun, 2023. (Co-author, IF: 3.833)
[19] Jun Wang, Jinyue Sun, Erlei Zhang*, Tian Zhang, Kai Yu*, Jinye Peng, Hyperspectral Image Classification via Deep Network with Attention Mechanism and Multigroup Strategy, Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 224, 15 August, pp.119904, 2023. (Corresponding author, IF: 8.665)
[18] Jinye Peng, Lu Liu, Jun Wang*, Erlei Zhang*, Xuan Zhu, Yongqin Zhang, Jie Feng, Licheng Jiao, “PSMD-Net: a novel pan-sharpening method based on multi-scale dense network,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 4957-4971, 2021. (Corresponding author, IF: 5.855)
[17] Erlei Zhang*, Xiangrong Zhang*, Licheng Jiao, Lin Li, and Biao Hou, “Spectral-spatial hyperspectral image ensemble classification via joint sparse representation,” Pattern Recognition, vol. 59, pp. 42-54, 2016. (First author, IF: 7.196)
[16] Huaiping Yan, Erlei Zhang*, Jun Wang, Chengcai Leng, and Jinye Peng*. “MTFFN: Multimodal Transfer Feature Fusion Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 13. 2022. (Corresponding author, IF: 3.833, PDF)
[15] Erlei Zhang, Jiayi Zhang, Jiaxin Bai, Jiarong Bian, Shaoyi Fang, Tao Zhan, Mingchen Feng*, Attention-Embedded Triple-Fusion Branch CNN for Hyperspectral Image Classification, Remote Sensing, Vol.15, No.8: 2150, 19 April, 2023. (First author, IF: 5.349)
[14] Erlei Zhang, Yihao Fu, Jun Wang, Lu Liu, Kai Yu, Jinye Peng*. “MSAC-Net: 3D Multi-Scale Attention Convolutional Network for Multi-spectral Imagery Pansharpening”, Remote Sensing, vol.14, no. 12: 2761. Jul. 6, 2022. WOS:000818252200001(First author, IF: 5.349)
[13] Sir Eiad Almekhlafi, Moeen AL-Makhlafi, Erlei Zhang*, Jun Wang, Jinye Peng*, "Classification Benchmark for Arabic Alphabet Phonemes with Diacritics in Deep Neural Network", Computer Speech and Language, Vol 71, August 1, 2021. (Corresponding author, IF: 1.899)
[12] Jinye Peng, Jiaxin Wang, Jun Wang*, Erlei Zhang*, Qunxi Zhang, Yongqin Zhang, Xianlin Peng, Kai Yu, “A relic sketch extraction framework based on detail-aware hierarchical deep network,” Signal Processing, Vol. 183, June 2021, 108008. (Corresponding author, IF: 4.384, PDF)
[11] Erlei Zhang, Stephen Seiler, Mingli Chen, Weiguo Lu*, Xuejun Gu*, “BIRADS features-oriented semi-supervised deep learning for breast ultrasound computer-aided diagnosis,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 351-557, 2020. (First author, IF: 2.883, WOS:000542229100001)
[10] Lu Liu, Jun Wang*, Erlei Zhang*, Bin Li, Xuan Zhu, Yongqin Zhang, Jinye Peng, “Shallow-deep convolutional network and spectral discrimination-based detail injection for multispectral imagery pan-sharpening,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 13, pp. 1772-1783, 2020. (Corresponding author, IF: 3.827)
[9] Tian Zhang, Jun Wang*, Erlei Zhang*, Kai Yu, Yongqin Zhang, Jinye Peng, “RMCNet: Random multiscale convolutional network for hyperspectral image classification,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 1826-1830, Oct. 2021. (Corresponding author, IF: 3.833)
[8] Erlei Zhang, Licheng Jiao, Xiangrong Zhang*, Hongying Liu, and Shuang Wang, “Class-level joint sparse representation for multifeature-based hyperspectral image classification,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, vol. 9, pp. 4160-4177, 2016. (First author, IF: 3.827)
[7] Erlei Zhang, Xiangrong Zhang*, Licheng Jiao, Hongying Liu, and Shuang Wang, “Weighted multifeature hyperspectral image classification via kernel joint sparse representation,” Neurocomputing, vol. 178, pp. 71-86, 2016. (First author, IF: 4.438)
[6] Erlei Zhang, Xiangrong Zhang, Licheng Jiao, and Hongying Liu, “Fast multifeature joint sparse representation for hyperspectral image classification,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 1397-1401, 2015. (First author, IF: 3.827)
[5] Erlei Zhang, Xiangrong Zhang, Shuyuan Yang, and Shuang Wang, “Improving hyperspectral image classification using spectral information divergence,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 249-253, 2015. (First author, IF: 3.833)
[4] Huaiping Yan, Jun Wang, Lei Tang, Erlei Zhang, Kun Yan, Kai Yu, Jinye Peng*, "A 3D Cascaded Spectral-Spatial Element Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification", Remote Sensing, vol. 13, no.13, 2451,June 18 2021. (Co-author, IF: 4.509, PDF )
[3] Shaode Yu, Mingli Chen, Erlei Zhang, Junjie Wu, Hang Yu, Zi Yang, Lin Ma, Xuejun Gu, Weiguo Lu, “Robustness study of noisy annotation in deep learning based medical image segmentation,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 65, no. 17:175007, 2020. (Co-author, IF: 2.883, WOS:000565759600001)
[2] Meng Jia, Maoguo Gong, Erlei Zhang, Yu Li, and Licheng Jiao, “Hyperspectral image classification based on nonlocal means with a novel class-relativity measurement,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 1300-1304, 2014. (Coauthor, IF: 3.833)
[1] Hongying Liu, Shuang Wang, Rongfang Wang, Junfei Shi, Erlei Zhang, Shuyuan Yang, and Licheng Jiao, “A framework for classification of urban areas using polarimetric SAR images integrating color features and statistical model”, Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, vol. 04, no. 35, pp. 398-406, 2016. (Co-author, IF: 0.384)
Publications of Conference
[17] Erlei Zhang, Minghui Sima, Jun Wang, Jinye Peng*, and Jinglei Li*, "Weakly Supervised Whole Cardiac Segmentation via Attentional CNN," Fifth International Conference on Intelligence Science (ICIS2022), Xi’an, China, on October 28-31, 2022. (Oral presentation)
[16] Huaiping Yan, ErLei Zhang, Jun Wang*, Chengcai Leng, Haida Liang and JinYe Peng*, "Coarse-Refined Local Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification", 2022 International Conference on Image Processing and Media Computing (ICIPMC 2022), Xi'an, China, May 27-29, 2022.
[15] Jiaqi Chen, Shuyin Zhang*, Meng Tian, Zhiguo Xie, Huan Chen, and Erlei Zhang. “A Combination Classifier of Polarimetric SAR image Based on D-S Evidence Theory.” 4th Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV), Zhuhai, China, Dec. 19, 2021.
[14] Kai Yu; Yuheng Li; Jing Yan; Ruiheng Xie; Erlei Zhang; Cheng Liu; Jun Wang. Intelligent labeling of areas of wall painting with paint loss disease based on multiscale detail injection U-Net[C]//Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology VIII. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2021, 11784: 1178409. (PDF)
[13] Qunxi Zhang, Shan Cui, Lu Liu, Jiaxin Wang, Jun Wang, Erlei Zhang, Jinye Peng, Sotiria Kogou, Florence Liggins, and Haida Liang "Deep learning for the extraction of sketches from spectral images of historical paintings", Proc. SPIE 11784, Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology VIII, 1178407 (8 July 2021); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2593680. (PDF)
[12] Shaode Yu, Zhicheng Zhang, Xiaokun Liang, Junjie Wu, Erlei Zhang, Wenjian Qin, Yaoqin Xie, “A matlab toolbox for feature importance ranking,” International Conference on Medical Image Physics and Engineering, 2019. (Accept)
[11] Erlei Zhang, Stephen Seiler, Mingli Chen, Weiguo Lu, Xuejun Gu, “Boundary-aware semi-supervised deep learning for breast ultrasound computer-aided diagnosis,” International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pp. 947-950, 2019.
[10] Erlei Zhang, Jinglei Li, Stephen Seiler, Mingli Chen, Weiguo Lu, Xuejun Gu. "A benchmark for breast ultrasound image computer-aided diagnosis." MEDICAL PHYSICS. Vol. 46. No. 6. 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY, 2019.
[9] Erlei Zhang, Zi Yang, Stephen Seiler, Mingli Chen, Weiguo Lu, Xuejun Gu. "Breast ultrasound computer-aided diagnosis using triplet path networks with fisher discriminant analysis." MEDICAL PHYSICS. Vol. 46. No. 6. 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY, 2019.
[8] Yan Liu, Erlei Zhang, and Xuejun. Gu. "Capsule architecture based automatic lung segmentation strategy." MEDICAL PHYSICS. Vol. 46. No. 6. 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY, 2019.
[7] Shaode Yu, Erlei Zhang, Zi Yang, Weiguo Lu, Xuejun Gu, Yaoqin Xie. "Deep learning based mammographic breast cancer diagnosis: a technical review." MEDICAL PHYSICS. Vol. 46. No. 6. 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY, 2019.
[6] Zi Yang, Erlei Zhang, Shaode Yu, Zabi Wardak, Mingli Chen, Weiguo Lu, Xuejun Gu. "Deep-learning based classification of Alzheimer's disease using resting-state functional MRI time series." MEDICAL PHYSICS. Vol. 46. No. 6. 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY, 2019.
[5] Erlei Zhang, Stephen Seiler, Mingli Chen, Weiguo Lu, Xuejun Gu, “BIRADS features-oriented semi-supervised deep learning for breast ultrasound computer-aided diagnosis,” International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy (ICCR), Canada, 2019. (Oral presentation)
[4] Hongying Liu, Xing Xing, Shigang Wang, Zhixi Feng, Erlei Zhang, Shuyuan Yang, Biao Hou, and Licheng Jiao, “Fast semi-supervised classification based on parallel auction graph for polarimetric SAR data,” IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016. (Top conference in remote image analysis)
[3] Xiangrong Zhang, Cheng Cai, Jinliang An, Yaoguo Zheng, Erlei Zhang, and Biao Hou, “Sparsity-constrained generalized bilinear model for hyperspectral unmixing,” IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2015. (Top conference in remote image analysis)
[2] Xiangrong Zhang, Peng Weng, Jie Feng, Erlei Zhang, and Biao Hou, “Spatial-spectral classification based on group sparse coding for hyperspectral image,” IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2013. (Top conference in remote image analysis)
[1] Xiangrong Zhang, Erlei Zhang, and Runxin Li, “Optimized feature extraction by immune clonal selection algorithm,” IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2012.
Current Undergraduate Graduated Student