姓 名:孙海天
职 称:讲师
电 话:17702922395
邮 箱:sunhaitian(at)nwafu.edu.cn
基本信息 2017年4月-2020年3月,岩手大学,工学部设计与媒体工学系计算机视觉研究室,博士
研究方向 计算机视觉、目标检测、图像检索 获奖情况 2017年11月获奖学金:“Ihatov Fund”
2017年9月获日本电气学会颁发的“Outstanding Student Presentation Award”
学术成果 Takumi Nakane1, Naranchimeg Bold1, Haitian Sun1, Xuequan Lu, Takuya Akashi, Chao Zhang, Application of Evolutionary and Swarm Optimization in Computer Vision: A Literature Survey, IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications, accepted.(1为并列第一作者)
Haitian Sun, Jing Zhang, Takuya Akashi, TemplateFree: Product Detection on Retail Store Shelves, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp.242-251, 2020 (SCI)
Haitian Sun, Chao Zhang, Takuya Akashi, Recurrent Bidirectional Visual Human Pose Retrieval, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 7, pp.1074-1081, 2019 (SCI)
Haitian Sun, Kenji Hanata, Hideomi Sato, Ichiro Tsuchitani, Takuya Akashi, Segmentation based Non-learning Product Detection for Product Recognition on Store Shelves, Nicograph International (NicoInt), S1-3 (F), pp.9-16, Yangling, China, 2019 (EI)
Haitian Sun, Mengbo You, Chao Zhang, Takuya Akashi, A Visual Marker based Image Annotation Tool with Projective Transformation, 2018 12th France-Japan and 10th Europe-Asia Congress on Mechatronics, Mie University, Tsu, Mie, Japan, pp.61-66, September 10-12, 2018
Haitian Sun, Chao Zhang, Takuya Akashi, 3D Skeleton Matters: Human Pose Retrieval by Human Pose Reconstruction, The 23rd International Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2017), P2-02, 2017
Hiroki Hirayama, Haitian Sun, Chao Zhang, Takuya Akashi, Interactive Depth Ambiguity Correction for 3D Human Pose Estimation, The 23rd International Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2017), O4-01, 2017
Chao Zhang, Haitian Sun, Takuya Akashi, Robust Non-Parametric Template Matching with Local Rigidity Constraints, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E99-D, No.9, pp.2332-2340, 2016 (SCI)
主持和参与项目 参与“非接触・非侵襲ビッグデータによるスポーツ動作解析・推定システムの最適化技術の確立”(非接触无创基于大数据的运动分析与评估系统优化技术的建立)项目,编号JP16K01647,日本科研费项目。